7th European Stand-up Pouch Conference - supply chain

Decision-makers/Manager of packaging technique, production, purchase, sales, development as well as Key Account Manager

Previous knowledge is helpful, but not required

german / english

1,390.00 € net (264.10 € VAT) for 2 days
Price Livestream: 595.00 € net (113.05 € VAT)
Participation certificate and event documents are included. In the case of a presence event, food and drinks are included in the price, plus VAT, travel and accommodation costs.







The growth of the stand-up pouch seems to be unlimited. What are the reasons? The stand-up pouch has combined all known qualities in one packaging which interests many stakeholder. Be it that its flexible film makes it a minimal packaging or that its large advertising space offers marketers great opportunities. However, the often still long supply chains reduce its attractiveness. This is where our conference starts. On the one hand many manufacturers and packers are working on a lean supply chain and on the other hand new suppliers are entering the market who want to make standard formats available from stock. But how does it work with complex composite films and how does it fit into a time of incipient circular thinking? This year, experts from Europe for Europe will illuminate the changes in the flexpack industry and the stand-up pouch.• Which advantages does the SUP (stand-up pouch) offer and which new challenges do manufacturers and packers have to face?• How can the pouch optimize the supply chain of the user?• Which role will recycling play?• What can a European disposal path look like?• What new material combinations and stand-up pouch concepts are there?• How can the stand-up pouch really become recyclable and even more attractive?• Will the SUP be able to continue its success story?Experts and interested parties along the supply chain of the stand-up pouch and the filling goods will meet again in Berlin to exchange ideas and experiences. Take advantage of this unique opportunity every two years to make your decision.

Date and Location


Wednesday, 28. October 2020, 09:00
Thursday, 29. October 2020, 13:50

Stüvestr. 25
49205 Hasbergen, Kreis Osnabrück

+49 5405 80767-0


09 :00

09 :30

Innoform Coaching GbR

  • Organisatorisches
  • Virtuelles
  • Inhaltliches

09 :40


  • Market overview
  • Opportunities and threats
  • Typical products
  • Innovations
  • Five-year Forecast

Adam Page


10 :15

Mondi Consumer Packaging GmbH

  • EcoSolutions – the Mondi way to sustainable packaging
  • Exploring polyolefine mono materials and their circular performance
  • Barrier and circularity – a challenge but not acontradiction
  • Best practices and customer examples forsustainable pouch solutions

Thomas Kahl


10 :55

11 :35

Soulpack S.r.l.

  • The lack of information of the buyer concerning pouches
  • The benefit of small quantities
  • Eco friendly material as a must

12 :10

BBC Cellpack Packaging Illfurth SAS

  • How does the ultrasonic technology support circular economy
  • A mono material pouch with high barrier - is it possible?
  • How do packaging technologies reply to a socio-economic and ecological problem?

12 :45

13 :45

maropack GmbH & Co. KG

  • Paper a hype?
  • Bio as a possibility?
  • One material pouches the solution?

Uwe Couvreux


14 :05

Hensen Consult

  • Technology
  • Costs
  • Circular economy

Henno Hensen


14 :25

Wipak UK Ltd.

  • Our path to carbon zero
  • The role pouches will play
  • Examples from shelve

Hery-Christian Henry


15 :00

15 :35

Sun Chemical

  • Why inks, functional coatings and adhesives belong together
  • Why functional coatings and adhesives are necessary for many products packed in pouches
  • Examples for Mono-material solutions made out of this

Nicolas Bétin


16 :10

Innoform Coaching GbR

  • Packaging litter our living space?!
  • Plastic packaging protects our food?!
  • Plastic packaging is advertising medium?!
  • Plastic packaging is regarded as optimal packaging?!

Karsten Schröder


16 :40

09 :00

09 :30

PreZero Dual GmbH

  • Lidl and the recycling industry
  • Added value circular economy
  • Supply chain becomes supply circle

Stephan Garvs


10 :00

wildplastic GmbH

  • What is WILDPLASTIC?
  • Effectiveness and potentials
  • The global supply chain

Christian Sigmund


10 :30


  • Deliberate deception - What is the threat of violation?
  • Knowledge to avoid advertising bans and recalls
  • Why do SUP design and specification play a big role?

Till Isensee


11 :00

11 :40

AWA Alexander Watson Associates BV & AWA Conferences & Events

  • How works Stand-up pouch (SUP) decoration today
  • Why narrow web printers should print SUP´s
  • Why labelling and direct printing could be an option

Corey M Reardon


12 :10


  • Expected development of single market segments
  • Technology trends
  • Comparison to other packagings

Jörg D. Schönwald


12 :40

Innoform Coaching GbR

  • The highlights in 10 minutes

12 :50

13 :50