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Barrier laminates – The expert meeting

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Example: Ton Knipscheer live at the Inno-Meeting

At the Inno-Meetings, decision-makers along the value chain of flexible packaging meet. Each Inno-Meeting is unique and focuses on one topic. The recurring series of topics create real expert meetings. Top topics are

  •  Stand-up pouches
  • Barrier films
  • Environmentally friendly plastic packaging
  • Food law
  • Packaging printing
  • PE & PP films

The conferences are offered in German and English. The German-language Inno-Meetings focus on topics and companies from the D, A, CH region. The technical depth is particularly important here. The English-language Inno-Meetings Europe focus on European issues and connect internationally active market participants. Here, strategies are discussed in addition to technical topics. The face-to-face meetings at the Inno-Meetings are prepared and complemented by the online event series Inno-Talk, which is offered exclusively online on a monthly basis. German-language and English-language Inno-Talks alternate.

Upcoming Events

All upcoming events can be found in our event list. You and your colleagues can register for all listed events today.

Barrier laminates – The expert meeting

Tuesday, 1. / Wednesday, 2. July 2025 – Start 9:00

Monomaterials, new processes and barrier coatings on films and papers are the focus of this year’s Barrier Film Conference. Sustainability is also a key driver of innovation in the field of barrier films.
But what new materials are actually available for barrier films?Why are new materials and processes needed at all?
Which requirements can already be met today? Can pasteurization or even sterilization already be achieved with monomaterials using new processes?
What about the recyclability and, of course, the product protection of the filling goods?

This year we will approach the topic from three directions:

1. what new materials are available? And by that we don’t just mean traditional polymers, but also biopolymers and fiber materials such as paper.

2. which new processes help us to produce monomaterials with good barrier properties for better recycling? Triple bubble stretching, MDO stretching and simultaneous stretching play an important role here.

3. what can barrier coatings achieve today and for which applications does it make sense to switch to alternative materials such as biofilms or paper?

You can look forward to the most important conference on barrier films and barrier coatings. Enjoy the popular supporting program the evening before and the traditional wine tasting in summery Würzburg. A must for all those who produce barrier films, use them for packaging or are interested in their finishing and processing.

NEW: We offer AI simultaneous translation DE-EN (audio and subtitles)

Dr. Thomas Gröner
Peter Niedersüss
Hendrik Steen
Dr. Benedikt Hauer
Norbert Runn

8. Expertentreff Verpackungsdruck – Effizient und rezyklierbar

Wednesday, 26. / Thursday, 27. November 2025 – Start 9:30

Karsten Schröder
Oliver Hissmann
Tarik Sevinc

23. Inno-Meeting – Der Flexpack Branchentreff

Tuesday, 24. / Wednesday, 25. February 2026 – Start 9:30

Karsten Schröder

The Innoform flair

The presentations are not the only highlights of the Inno-Meetings. The unique Innoform flair is the result of a variety of proven and modern elements.

  • Competent speakers
  • Current content about flexible packaging
  • Supporting programme with time for personal and in-depth discussions
  • Discussion rounds and panel discussions

    NEW: All Inno-Meetings are offered as hybrid events. This means that if you can’t or don’t want to travel, you can also take part via livestream. You have the opportunity to ask questions and vote via our digital platform.

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