Inno-Meeting and Inno-Talk belong together
At the Inno-Meetings, decision-makers along the value chain of flexible packaging meet. Each Inno-Meeting is unique and focuses on one topic. The recurring series of topics create real expert meetings. Top topics are
- Stand-up pouches
- Barrier films
- Environmentally friendly plastic packaging
- Food law
- Packaging printing
- PE & PP films
The conferences are offered in German and English. The German-language Inno-Meetings focus on topics and companies from the D, A, CH region. The technical depth is particularly important here. The English-language Inno-Meetings Europe focus on European issues and connect internationally active market participants. Here, strategies are discussed in addition to technical topics. The face-to-face meetings at the Inno-Meetings are prepared and complemented by the online event series Inno-Talk, which is offered exclusively online on a monthly basis. German-language and English-language Inno-Talks alternate.
Upcoming Events
July 2025 – February 2026
All upcoming events can be found in our event list. You and your colleagues can register for all listed events today.

Barrier laminates – The expert meeting
Tuesday, 1. / Wednesday, 2. July 2025 – Start 9:00

8. Expertentreff Verpackungsdruck – Effizient und rezyklierbar
Wednesday, 26. / Thursday, 27. November 2025 – Start 9:30

23. Inno-Meeting – Der Flexpack Branchentreff
Tuesday, 24. / Wednesday, 25. February 2026 – Start 9:30

The meeting point for more flexpack knowledge
Who attends Inno Meetings:
Experts from the retail, food and consumer goods industries and packaging experts meet here several times a year. On-site and online in the livestream grow together. This not only gives us more reach. The mixture of top-class speakers and questions & answers from the auditorium make this event lively and entertaining. Directly after each lecture, questions from the audience are collected, evaluated and immediately discussed. In this way, online livestream participants also have their say and there is significantly more communication.

The Innoform flair
Advantages of the Inno-Meeting

The presentations are not the only highlights of the Inno-Meetings. The unique Innoform flair is the result of a variety of proven and modern elements.
- Competent speakers
- Current content about flexible packaging
- Supporting programme with time for personal and in-depth discussions
- Discussion rounds and panel discussions
NEW: All Inno-Meetings are offered as hybrid events. This means that if you can’t or don’t want to travel, you can also take part via livestream. You have the opportunity to ask questions and vote via our digital platform.